Introducing Connie Weir

Connie has been offering services from our salon for over 18 years and can offer hypnotherapy and psychotherapy treatments.

With her 20 years’ full-time counselling experience, she can help those struggling with negative feelings or suffering from debilitating conditions. She uses hypnotherapy to help people break unwanted habits where an understanding on a deeper level can give you a much greater chance to succeed.  Connie uses well-established techniques which can have excellent results. Sessions run between 1-1.5 hours, and include a long consultation as well as gentle hypnosis.

Dealing with stress and anxiety

Hypnotherapy can also help with feeling of anxiety, stress and low mood and Connie says,

“The last year or so has taken a toll on everyone and many more of us are experiencing feelings of anxiety around health and social interaction. Living through a once in a lifetime event like a pandemic and the sense of unknown associated with that can lead to feeling overwhelmed. 

Whether you are finding certain circumstances difficult to cope with, or are stressing about returning to work, there are a variety of techniques available that should be able to put you back in control of your emotions”.

Sometimes, talking therapies are more suitable than hypnosis and as a qualified Psychologist, Connie can offer counselling sessions that explore coping mechanisms and techniques that can help clients to deal with issues like stress, anger or mild depression.

A safe space

Connie offers a safe space for clients to share their challenges and work on techniques that can help them to live more freely. 

“Often, finding the courage to reach out is the most important step in the journey of challenging and changing behaviours that stop us leading our lives as fully as we deserve.”

Connie is available for consultations and treatment weekly on a Monday at The Complete Look and you can schedule an appointment by visiting her website at or by calling 0777-6183695

The Complete Look

The Complete Look

Our award-winning salon offers advanced skin treatments, relaxing facials and revitalising massage.

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